Goat Breeding Tips for Livestock Farmers (Urdu)
In order to get maximum meat and milk Beetal, Daira Deen Panah, Nachi, and Teddy Breeds.....
Mango Amazing Facts
The mango is known as the 'king of fruit' throughout the world. The name 'mango' is derived from the Tamil word 'mangkay' or 'man-gay'. When the Portuguese traders settled in Western India they adopted the name as 'manga'.
Pomegranate(Punica granatum) Cultivation and Farming
Pomegranates are fairly drought tolerant and can be grown on either calcareous or acid soils. Climate - Grow best in dry climates with mild winters. Chilling requirement
EU may also ban Monsanto GMO in wake of shocking cancer findings
Russia's consumer protection group, Rospotrebnadzor, said it was halting all imports of GM corn while the country's Institute of Nutrition will be evaluating the results of the study.
Protect Garden Pots during Winter
Many pots, especially ornamental containers that aren’t designed to stand outside in freezing temperatures, need winter protection. Wrap them up in burlap (possibly double layers), and secure tightly at the top and bottom with strong garden string.
Sustainable Agriculture and Fertilizers Practices in Pakistan
Agriculture is the mainstay of Pakistan’s economy. It has a total area of 79.61 million hectare, and the total area used for crop production is only 22 million ha.
Herbs For Winter Windowsill
Growing season is over, do you still find yourself ready to dash out to the garden for some chives, basil or a sprig of thyme...
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Tuesday, December 18, 2012
The top 10 breakfast cereals most likely to contain Monsanto's GMO corn
(NaturalNews) By now, nearly everyone interested in healthy living is aware of the recent research linking Monsanto's GMO corn to cancer tumors and an increase risk of premature death in both men and women. News of the research is spreading like wildfire across the 'net, and support for Proposition 37 -- which seeks to label GMOs in foods -- is growing by the day.
But the media has not yet reported on the everyday foods being sold in grocery stores right now and made with Monsanto's genetically modified corn (GM corn). Which foods are most likely to contain Monsanto GM corn? To answer this question, I visited a local grocery store in Austin, Texas and purchased 10 breakfast cereals made with high levels of non-organic corn.
According to the Center for Food Safety, up to 85% of the corn grown in the United States is genetically modified. This means corn-based cereals that use non-organic corn have a very high likelihood of containing GM corn.
The following list presents the top 10 popular breakfast cereals most likely to contain Monsanto's genetically modified corn. For the record, none of these cereals claim to be GMO-free, nor made with organic corn. The exact GMO content of these cereals remains a mystery precisely because manufacturers of these cereals refuse to label them with their GMO content. This lack of full disclosure by the food industry underscores the urgent need for a labeling law so that consumers can make an informed decision.
Legal note: In no way are we claiming these cereals will cause cancer tumors to grow in your body or that they pose an immediate risk to your health. Those studies have not yet been done on humans. GM corn is an experimental crop with unknown long-term effects of humans. Breakfast cereals made with GM corn may turn out to pose a significant long-term risk to human health, but that has not yet been determined. This article is presented in the public interest, reflecting reasonable caution over a common food ingredient which French scientists have now convincingly linked to cancer and premature death in studies conducted on rats.
The top 10 popular breakfast cereals most likely to contain Monsanto's GM corn
Cocoa Puffs and Corn ChexFrosted Flakes and Honey Graham Oh's
Honey Nut Chex and Kashi Heart to Heart
Kellogg's Corn Flakes and Kellogg's Corn Pops
Kix and Barbara's Bakery Puffins Peanut Butter
Which cereals contain no GMOs? Nature's Path
There is only one brand of breakfast cereal I know of that's 100% non-GMO and 100% organic across their entire product line. That company is Nature's Path:Many "natural" brands that appear to be healthful and natural are actually not organic or GMO-free. For example, "Barbara's Bakery" cereals are not organic. Although they are positioned in store shelves alongside other organic cereals, they are actually made with conventional crops grown with pesticides which may include Monsanto's Roundup.
You may also notice that most of the cereals most likely to contain GM corn are children's cereals. It is the children in America who are being fed the most GMOs. This represents a highly unethical food experiment being conducted on an entire generation, and the long-term effects of human consumption of GMOs are simply not known.
What we do know is that rats fed this very same Monsanto GM corn developed shockingly large cancer tumors.
The photo released by the French research team, showing large cancer tumors growing at a strongly heightened risk in rats fed a "lifetime" of Monsanto's GM corn, is shown below. According to that study, 70% of females died premature and showed significant damage to their liver, kidneys and other organs.
Pretty crazy, huh?
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/037315_Monsanto_GM_corn_breakfast_cereals.html#ixzz2FQlWb0Yq
The Honest Food Guide empowers consumers with independent information about foods and health
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com
The GMO debate is over; GM crops must be immediately outlawed; Monsanto halted from threatening humanity
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of NaturalNews.com |
(NaturalNews) The GMO debate is over. There is no longer any legitimate, scientific defense of growing GM crops for human consumption. The only people still clinging to the outmoded myth that "GMOs are safe" are scientific mercenaries with financial ties to Monsanto and the biotech industry.
GMOs are an anti-human technology. They threaten the continuation of life on our planet. They are a far worse threat than terrorism, or even the threat of nuclear war.
As a shocking new study has graphically shown, GMOs are the new thalidomide. When rats eat GM corn, they develop horrifying tumors. Seventy percent of females die prematurely, and virtually all of them suffer severe organ damage from consuming GMO. These are the scientific conclusions of the first truly "long-term" study ever conducted on GMO consumption in animals, and the findings are absolutely horrifying. (See pictures of rats with tumors, below.)
What this reveals is that genetic engineering turns FOOD into POISON.
Remember thalidomide? Babies being born with no arms and other heart-breaking deformities? Thalidomide was pushed as "scientific" and "FDA approved." The same lies are now being told about GMO: they're safe. They're nutritious. They will feed the world!
But the real science now coming out tells a different picture: GMOs may be creating an entire generation of cancer victims who have a frighteningly heightened risk of growing massive mammary gland tumors caused by the consumption of GM foods. We are witnessing what may turn out to be the worst and most costly blunder in the history of western science: the mass poisoning of billions of people with a toxic food crop that was never properly tested in the first place.
Remember: GMOs are an anti-human technology. And those who promote them are, by definition, enemies of humankind.
GMOs are unfit for human consumption
The GMO industry, not surprisingly, doesn't want any independent research conducted on GMOs. They don't want long-term feeding trials, and they most certainly do not want studies conducted by scientists they can't control with financial ties.
What they want is to hide GMOs in products by making sure they're not listed on the labels. Hence the biotech industry's opposition to Proposition 37 (www.CArighttoknow.org).
The tactics of the biotech industry are:
• HIDE genetically modified ingredients in foods
• FALSIFY the research to claim GMOs are safe
• MANIPULATE the scientific debate by bribing scientists
• DENY DENY DENY just like Big Tobacco, DDT, thalidomide, Agent Orange and everything else that's been killing us over the last century
Monsanto is now the No. 1 most hated corporation in America. The company's nickname is MonSatan. It is the destructive force behind the lobbying of the USDA, FDA, scientists and politicians that have all betrayed the American people and given in to genetically modified seeds.
These seeds, some of which grow their own toxic pesticides right inside the grain, are a form of chemical brutality against children and adults. This is "child abuse" at its worst. It's an abuse of all humans. It is the most serious crime ever committed against nature and all of humankind.
Science for sale
Corporate science is fraudulent science. When enough money is at stake, scientists can be bought off to even declare smoking cigarettes to be safe. And they did, throughout the 1950's, 60's and 70's. Some of those very same scientists are now working for the Monsantos of the world, peddling their scientific fraud to the highest bidder (which always happens to be a wealthy corporation).
There is no poison these scientists won't promote as safe -- even "good for you!" There is no limit to their evil. There are no ethics that guide their actions.
GMO-promoting scientists are the most despicable humanoid creatures to have ever walked the surface of this planet. To call them "human" is an insult to humanity. They are ANTI-human. They are demonic. They are forces of evil that walk among the rest of us, parading as authorities when in their hearts and souls they are actually corporate cowards and traitors to humankind. To pad their own pockets, they would put at risk the very future of sustainable life on our planet... and they do it consciously, insidiously. They feed on death, destruction, suffering and pain. They align with the biotech industry precisely because they know that no other industry is as steeped in pure evil as the biotech industry. GMO pushers will lie, cheat, steal, falsify and even mass-murder as many people as it takes to further their agenda of total global domination over the entire food supply... at ANY cost.
This is war at the genetic level. And this kind of war makes bullets, bombs and nukes look downright tame by comparison. Because the GMO war is based on self-replicating genetic pollution which has already been released into the environment; into the food supply; and into your body.
The hundreds of millions of consumers who eat GMO are being murdered right now, with every meal they consume... and they don't even know it. GMO-pimping scientists are laughing at all the death they're causing. They enjoy tricking people and watching them die because it makes their sick minds feel more powerful. These were the geeks in school who were bullied by the jocks. But now, with the power of genetic manipulation at their fingertips, they can invoke their hatred against all humankind and "bully" the entire world with hidden poisons in the food. That makes them smile. It's the ultimate revenge against a world that mistreated them in their youth. Death to everyone!
Society must respond in defense of life on Earth
To march government SWAT teams into the corporate headquarters of all GMO seed companies and shut down all operations at gunpoint would be a mild reaction -- and fully justified. To indict all biotech CEOs, scientists, employees and P.R. flacks and charge them with conspiring to commit crimes against humanity would be a small but important step in protecting our collective futures. To disband all these corporations by government order have their assets seized and sold off to help fund reparations to the people they have harmed is but a tiny step needed in the defense of life.
The truth is that humanity will never be safe until GMO seed pushers and manufacturers are behind bars, locked away from society and denied the ability to ever threaten humanity again.
What the Nuremberg trials did to IG Farben and other Nazi war crimes corporations, our own government must now do to Monsanto and the biotech industry.
It is time for decisive intervention. Monsanto must be stopped by the will of the People. The mass poisoning of our families and children by an evil, destructive corporation that seeks to dominate the world food supply must be halted.
The GMO debate is over. The horrors are now being revealed. The truth can no longer be hidden, and the reaction from the public cannot be stopped.
Prediction: Activist attacks on GM seeds and the criminals who promote them
I predict a future where -- and for the record I DO NOT encourage this -- shipments of GM seeds to farmers are raided and destroyed by activists. I predict Monsanto employees being publicly named and shamed on websites. I predict -- but DO NOT CONDONE -- scientists who conduct research for Monsanto being threatened, intimidated and even physically attacked. Again, for the record, I DO NOT IN ANY WAY condone such behavior, but I predict it will emerge as an inevitable reaction to the unfathomable evil being committed by the GMO industry and all its co-conspirators. The "Army of the 12 monkeys" may become reality. (See the sci-fi movie "12 monkeys" starring Brad Pitt and Bruce Willis.)
What we are fighting for here is the protection of our species. We are fighting for the sanctity of life on our planet. Those who threaten that life must be stopped from continuing to harm us. This evil must be put back in its box and prevented from ever threatening us again.
Even Congress is starting to state the obvious on how evil Monsanto really is. Just yesterday, Congressman Dennis Kucinich demanded GMO labeling in a powerful speech. Watch that at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4J_YvtbSSqg
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/037262_GMO_Monsanto_debate.html#ixzz2FQN7kQyH
You've been eating cloned fruit and didn't even know it! (Book Review)
You've been eating cloned fruit and didn't even know it!In this exclusive NaturalNews report, you'll learn the surprising truth of how you've been eating cloned fruit without even knowing it!There's a whole lot of shocking information you'll learn in this report... but it's all true. Here's just a small sample of what you'll read in this downloadable special report from NaturalNews:
Simply enter your email address in the form at the top of this page to receive a download link for the full report! A message from the editor, Mike Adams |
Cornucopia Institute reveals agribusiness conspiracy to mislead consumers over almonds
Cornucopia Institute reveals agribusiness conspiracy to mislead consumers over almonds
PARB encourages scientists’ inputs in global agri events
Punjab Agricultural Research Board (PARB) has taken a leading step in this regard and is releasing funds as travel grant to agri scientists. In this way they can participate in International events, represent Pakistan and gain experience to learn innovative things. This initiative proves to be very successful in building strong linkages with International stakeholders. In future, such collaborations can provide platform for strengthening research and to introduce innovations.
PARB is trying to fund travel grant to as many
scientists as it can, within its capacity in future.
During about last two month, following scientists have
participated in International events:
2nd International Congress
of Food Hygiene
Venue: Al-Razi Conference Hall, Tehran Medical
University, Iran
Theme of the
Global Efforts for Food Safety
Topics of the Conference:
· Food
· Food Chemistry, Toxicology
· Additives and
· Water Safety
· Epidemiology of Food-borne
infections & Intoxications
· The role of probiotics in
Hygiene and Nutrition
· Organic Foods
· Safety of Food
· Food Control
· The role of Veterinary
Medicine in Food Safety
· Food
Name of the
Three scientists were provided grant from PARB to attend this International
a). Dr. Aqeel Javeed, Assistant Professor Department
of Pharmacology & Toxicology, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,
UVAS Lahore. Dr. Aqeel Javeed presented his research paper on “Polarity Based
Solvents Extraction of Opuntia Dilleni and Zingiber of Ficinale for
In-Vitro Antimicrobial Activities”.
b): Dr. Muti-Ur-Rehman Assistant Professor UVAS,
Lahore. He presented his research paper on “Food Borne disease
(Salmonellosis) as a Public Health Problem through consuming the Meat & Egg
of Catrrier’s Birds”.
c). Dr. Muhammad Hassan Mushtaq, Assistant Professor
of Epidemiology and Public Health, UVAS Lahore. He presented his research paper
on “Microbiological quality of different snack foods in Urban areas of
Summarizing scientist’s
views: The theme
of World Veterinary year was the basic objective of the of the Congress, i.e
“ Vet for health, Vet for Food, Vet for planet”. The congress gives a
good opportunity to have a close interaction with global scientist, involved in
food hygiene and safety and to discuss the latest research on that issue. The
keynote speakers given important message of not using antibiotics for production
purpose and especially medically important antimicrobial drugs usage is against
the public health interests. While giving suggestions based on the lessons
learnt to improve research in Pakistan, Dr. Mati Ur Rehman said that “level
of research in our country is not as high as at abroad. This congress has
identified new areas of research which will be utilized to conduct the thesis
work of post-graduate students”. He also said that many professors have
given chance to their students for presentation; it’s a healthy sign for getting
experience and exposure at student level. He suggested establishing
collaboration between local and international research centers to improve
research skills and standards.
Dr. Muhammad Hassan Mushtaq said that participation
in such conferences is a source of global interaction for scientists. He said,
“During my visit to college of Veterinary Medicine at Tehran University,
Iran, I discussed with them about the research areas of their interest and also
briefed them about research projects of our University”. He also commented
that Pakistani Universities have not appropriate facilities for R & D and
should establish collaborations on urgent basis. He suggested that Pilot testing
should be done before any study in order to validate the study design,
statistical analysis and techniques. He requested PARB to facilitate scientists
and students to attend training programmes in the field of research. He
appreciated PARB efforts for facilitating scientists to attend international
“World Aquaculture for Changing
Venue: Natal Convention Center, Natal,
Theme of the Conference:
Aquaculture for a
Changing World
· Salient features of the Conference
according to scientist:
This international conference was jointly hosted by the World Aquaculture Society
(WAS), WAS-Latin American & Caribben Chapter and
Association Criadores de Camaroes, in conjunction with Feira International de
Aquaculture and Fenacam
· The conference assembles world Aquaculture community
with the basic aim of Aquaculture for changing world, where different aspects of
aquaculture was discussed in several technical sessions.
· There were more than 50 scientific sessions focusing
on innovative aquaculture systems and management
· Topics include economics, sustainability, engineering,
reproduction, health, nutrition, genetics, microalgae
· A total of 1250 papers were accepted for oral
presentations resulted in wide range of sessions. Over 900 posters and 300
exhibitions in trade show demonstrated the latest and greatest innovations and
products for aquaculture
· International shrimp farming symposium covered main
topics of the world shrimp farming industry with a great variety of subjects
jointly organized by FENACAM’11 and WAS
· The conference provide us an excellent forum to
interact with world most famous aquaculture scientists, industry people,
suppliers and other stakeholders involved in finfish and shell fish aquaculture
with latest techniques and equipments
· Aquaculture is the fastest growing food industry
worldwide. It is the need of the time to manage our culture system environment
friendly and sustainable to cater the world increasing population. Aquaculture
is more close to agriculture than any other farming practices and integration
with agriculture is very important for future sustainability of two
· An excellent forum for presenting my research work and
introducing my department, University and country in this mega
· The conference was very fruitful and productive to my
academic and research career
· I have develop linkages with scientists of Turkey,
USA, World Fish Centre (Malaysia), India, Thailand, who shows their willingness
for developing joint research collaboration in future.
Names of the
Scientist: Dr.
Noor Khan, Assistant Professor, Department of Fisheries & Aquaculture,
University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore. He presented his research
paper on “Comparative Growth Performance and Body Composition of Indian Major
CARPS (Catla Catla, Cirrhinus Mrigala and Labeo Rohita) Fingerlings when
fed an Artificial Feed Under Monoculture Production”.
His recommendations to improve research in Pakistan
are as follows:
· We should plan our research as per international
level. At present due to lack of facilities and non- cooperation among different
institutions, quality of research is not so much productive
· Problem oriented research should be conducted with the
cooperation of industry and international collaborations
· We should replace the traditional research into new
lines with latest techniques and brings new species and culture techniques into
our system
· Like other countries our post-graduate students should
be given a chance to present their research in such conferences. This will
definitely improve their skills of presenting data and research
· It gives me motivations to organize a Pakistan
Fisheries and Aquaculture Society and affiliated it with WAS for organizing
conferences, workshops on fisheries and aquaculture for further enhancement of
this sector in Pakistan.
Venue of the
Leavenworth, Washington, USA
Theme of the
Conference: The
main theme was to highlight new scientific and technological research for
development and encourage interaction among various postharvest disciplines and
industry participants
Name of the
Scientist: Dr.
Nadeem Akhtar Abbasi, Professor/Chairman Department of Horticulture PMAS Arid
Agriculture University Murree Road, Rawalpindi. He presented his paper on
“Foliar spray of ethanol affected fruit growth, yield and postharvest
performance of “Sahil” tomato”.
Salient Features of the Conference
according to scientist:
· Postharvest storage and distribution
· Experimental and applied Postharvest
· Postharvest quality assessment
· Understanding storage stress and its
· The future: Beyond Systems’
Suggestions and recommendations
based on the lessons learnt to improve research in
· Processing, grading packing and transportation of
fruits must be of international standard. Advanced techniques should be adopted
to maintain quality and food safety until it reaches the
· Edible grade chemicals must be introduced along with
newly introduced more effective methods like use of 1-MCP
· Special facilities must be developed for
transportation at airports and shipping places like cold storage CA
· The standards for handling during harvest, processing,
packing and storage must be developed for different varieties according to the
environmental conditions, the fruit was produced
· Research in Pakistan should have a focus in the area
of postharvest of perishable commodities. After that, technologies should be
developed on the basis of successful results of the research that can be used by
the horticulture industry.